My Services

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Ready to make some changes?

Life throws a lot at us, and sometimes we need a little help sorting it all out. Whether you're dealing with past stuff that won't stay in the past, a brain that feels like it's always in overdrive, or patterns you just can't seem to break - I've got your back.

Think of therapy with me as a judgment-free zone where we figure things out together. We'll have real conversations about what's going on in your life and find practical ways to help you find your balance. Your story and your needs are unique, and that's exactly how we'll treat them.

Sexual Addiction Counseling

I will address the symptoms of your addiction and together we’ll structure your ongoing recovery.


EMDR therapy is a psychotherapy approach for the treatment of trauma.

ADHD and ADD Counseling

ADHD and ADD can be too much to manage on your own.

Counseling for Anxiety

When it comes to treating anxiety, research shows that therapy is usually the most effective option.

Counseling for Trauma

The assistance of a therapist is fundamental to healing from trauma.

Individual Therapy

Do you want to talk to someone about some things you can't tell anyone else?

"We must be willing to let go of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
- Joseph Campbell

Don't wait to get the help you need.